Modern design takes on new warmth when you bring the outdoor beauty of Western red cedar bevel siding indoors. Here is a striking use of another versatile West Coast lumber product.
The pattern created by 1/2" x 4" siding gives spacious- ness to a small room, and provides an easy-upkeep back- ground for colorful furnishings.
A hillside view site provided the problem, and a combination of West Coast lumber species brought the solution. West Coast Douglas fir framing lumber formed the sturdy floor, walls and roof of the basic home. Fir beams extend from the foundation to support the deck. The unusual outside wall pattern was achieved with the same 1/2" x 4" Western red cedar bevel siding used inside, but applied at an angle of 45 degrees.
This cedar is also striking in more formal, traditional styling. Manufactured in 4", 5", 6", 8", 10" and 12" widths, its shadow pattern adds character to any size building... from a small budget home to a stately multiple dwelling unit such as the one below.
West Coast lumber versatility is the incentive for imaginative design . . . highly practical from drawing board to completed structure. And you have a local source of supply... your nearby lumber dealer.