A design idea that utilizes the full commercial advantages of distinctive shape has been accomplished at no increase in cost over conventional forms with this interesting courtel office-restaurant in which West Coast Lumber is the principal building material. Thanks to versatile use of space, the building also functions as a community banquet hall, which can be partitioned for meeting rooms.
The round building form, offering excellent traffic circulation plus the pleasing effect of an open patio in the center, demonstrates the design flexibility available with West Coast Lumber. Exterior walls are a combination of masonry and West Coast Douglas Fir. Glue laminated beams, 7" x 28" alternated with 4" x 16 1/4", provide basic roof support. Into these are framed 2" x 12" West Coast Douglas Fir joists to carry the flat roof.
By carefully coordinated building and landscape planning, it was possible to eliminate special roof drains, since the broad overhang on both outside and inside perimeters drains directly on areas designed to receive rain water.
A variety of West Coast Lumber species were used for the building interior, with stains and clear finishes on natural wood paneling offering room-to-room variety while maintaining pleasing harmony throughout.
Whatever building shape excites your imagination, you'll find that versatile, practical West Coast Lumber offers you freedom to execute your ideas... with economy that will give your clients an extra bonus. Ask your nearby lumber dealer about the wide variety of sizes, grades and species of high- performance West Coast Lumber.