All-America Homes 1959 - plan #125


Just because a house is modest in size one needn't dispense with the interesting features shown here, which are both practical and lovely to live with. Naturally it costs more to build rooms which are partly furnished with built-in features, but consider the cost of free standing furniture and you will see the logic of these features which are so space saving.

This 37-foot house can be built on a level lot, or one with a rear grade. A three or four foot grade will make it appear as it does in the sketch, and will provide better basement rooms than a level spot. The garage level is really basement, and therefore economical. The structure is stucco ever frame, the windows are wood sash, double-hung. It covers 546 square feet on both base- ment and bedroom floors, and the remainder is 520 square feet. Plans include an alternate detail of basement under living quarters, too, with stairway leading down from the gallery, under the present stair.

Shown is the attractive dining alcove which doubles as card room. At its left is a black lacquered cabinet with door facings of heavy marbelized paper. Mural above it can be wall- paper or painted. Cabinet is designed for linen, china, silver and glassware. At left is shown kitchen nook for two, and at left below is a slate and marbelized paper mantel with low mirror which actually reflects the room. Bedrooms closets have three-way mirrored doors.