All-America Homes 1959 - plan #28


Either modern or period furniture will look well in this house. They have been combined here. House has the homely charm on the interior that stone, siding and low roof give it on the exterior. Rooms appear larger because they are well-proportioned. Kitchen doors and windows are located to give maximum wall space, making it a better room than its measurements indicate. A den near the kitchen and a stairway leading directly down from rear entrance causes less traffic and easier housework. There is no reason why the den cannot be a bedroom. Windows are the gliding type which give an unobstructed view.

Basement under right side of house starts at foyer. It has a 16 x 28 foot playroom from front to rear of house, laundry and storage room. Furnace space is taken from playroom. An alternate plan turns the end of the house to face the street for smaller properties, being 39 feet wide including garage. It also changes the kitchen plan to include furnace space with possibility of a utility room beyond the kitchen entrance. If you wish to build on a concrete slab, there are details for it also.

Structure, including garage, is 58 feet wide. Floor area is 1,288 square feet, garage an additional 200 feet.

Living room furniture has been arranged to take advantage of the view and fire- place from all angles. Although much seat- ing space is provided, there is no feeling of crowding and the passageway is clear. The gliding windows have broad panes.