No. 6975 - This is one of the most beautiful of our ranch type designs, requiring a wide frontage. The first floor plan shows six very lovely rooms, a complete bath, with tub and shower, a lavatory, six closets, a large terrace in the rear and a double garage. The second floor plan shows two large bed rooms, a complete bath and six closets. The large living room and one bed room, two risers down from the main floor line, and having a large bay window and Dutch door out to the terrace in the rear, make this design ideal for a beautiful rear view. The stairs going down from the kitchen lead to a full basement with a large recreation room, heating and laundry rooms. The foundation is stone and the house is frame with stone veneer across the front, and sided exterior for the balance of the house. The roof may be either wood or composition shingles.
No. 5007 - An excellent home for a large family. Combining many distinctive and different features, this plan provides for efficient as well as gracious living. The open stairway adds to the beauty of the modern living room and all rooms are easily accessible from the entrance hall. Stone veneer is used on the front elevation, and siding on the balance of the house.
No. 5198 - Charm and individuality are evident in this carefully planned home. Brick veneer has been used on the front to add beauty and dignity and siding is shown for the other exterior walls. The plan although showing three bedrooms, has a frontage of only 37 ft. making it suitable for a small lot.
No. 8076 - A compact arrangement for a beautiful three bedroom ranch house. Horizontal and vertical siding painted in contrasting colors and the brick trim across the bedroom and bath make an interesting exterior.
No. 6355 - Glass as a structural material to bring the warmth of light without sacrifice of exterior wall space for furniture arrangement is used abundantly in this luxurious ranch-type house. Designed for gracious living and easy entertaining, it brings the recreation room out of the basement and makes it a center of interest by combining it with a large dining room at the secluded rear. Built-ins are used throughout to provide on-spot storage and to give added utility to wall areas. Construction is of brick veneer over frame, except in the garage where tile is used for backing. There is a laundry, heating room, and lavatory with shower in the basement which extends only under the mid-section of the house.
No. 5620 - This story and a half home is ideal for a large family. The plan features four bedrooms with numerous closets. The dining room is located out of the way of unnecessary traffic. The bath is conveniently located for easy entrance from kitchen. The bath on second floor has both a tub and a showerstall.
No. 3852 - Corner windows and a large bay window in the master bedroom add distinctiveness to the design . . . living room, dining room kitchen with breakfast table, three bedrooms; 10 closets, basement.
No. 4963 - Good taste marks both the exterior and the interior of this design; well-lighted, cheery kitchen; the corner bedrooms, the roomy closets and the attractive attached garage. Living room and dining room are separated by a bar which may be made for china, opening into the dining room, or for books opening into the living room. There's a large storage attic (which later may be furnished) and a full basement with recreation, furnace and laundry rooms.
No. 6060 - A farm-house-sized kitchen, large bedrooms, and an abundance of closet space are featured in this brick-veneered house. By placing the guest closet as a projection into the living room an entrway is created without sacrifice of usable floor space. The basement extends just under the mid-section of the house.
No. 5966 - Colonial atmosphere like this is always in style. There's a carefully-planned kitchen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms with large closets, and bath on the first floor. The second floor provides a very large bedroom, closet, bath and storage room; and a lovely study or extra bedroom.
No. 651 - An excellent plan arrangement of five rooms, bath, large closets, full basement and large storage attic are provided for this lovely cottage.
No. 5404 - Here is a three bedroom house that should be economical to construct. The front bedroom has been extended out to break up the straight lines of the front exterior. With the exception of this break the plan is rectangular in shape. An efficient room layout features nine closets which are sure to appeal to the modern homemaker. The exterior walls are brick veneer and the plans show a full basement.
No. 6410 - Soft-toned Roman bricks provide a luxurious exterior to match the spaciousness and convenience of the interior of this exceptionally attractive suburban home. These bricks are only 15% inches high. The lavatory in the rear is so located as to serve the living area as well as being a wash-room for the gentleman-gardener and for the children as they come in from play.
No. 6040 - Here is a home designed for pleasant living. Of frame construction, it has brick trim across the front bedroom and garage. The sun room can be developed for many uses, but for most families it would become a family living room, leaving the other for "company." The rear arrangement is convenient, providing an access to the porch from the rear hall and the adjacent bath.
No. 636 - Utilizing all available space to excellent advantage, this beautiful little cottage has five lovely rooms, bath, closets, a full basement. . . and a fireplace. In mild climate, the need for dissolving the chill of crisp mornings and breezy evenings is charmingly met by the open fire. In cold climates, a fireplace offers a gratifying addition to a central heating plant on zero days.
No. 99 - Charm and individuality mark this design and careful planning is evident throughout. On the first floor there are five lovely rooms kitchen with space for a breakfast table, dining room, living room with cheery fireplace, two bedrooms, bath and seven conveniently-located closets. At the right of the living room is an attractive porch. Second floor plan shows two bedrooms (both of which are cross-ventilated) bath, three closets, and a large unfinished area for storage. Stairs from the kitchen lead to a full basement with recreation room, furnace and laundry rooms. Outside walls are tile covered with brick, except for dormers which are sided.
No. 765 - Compactness and efficiency of layout are combined into a single design. The interior offers five well-proportioned rooms with a maximum of usable space. Windows are arranged to allow full circulation of air, yet leave ample wall space for furniture. Stairs lead to a large storage attic and a full basement. The attached garage is easily accessible and of adequate size.
No. 5518 - A nicely planned house featuring a floor plan that allows easy movement between rooms without sacrificing efficiency. The den is in an ideal location away from the other rooms and would be an excellent location for a small office. Den and porch could easily be omitted by builder at time of construction.
No. 121 - This beautiful home has an unusually distinctive entrance, and the large windows in the living room add a further touch to the attractive exterior. The design includes six lovely rooms, seven closets, two linen cabinets, two baths, a large central entrance hall, storage space and a garage. In the basement are recreation, laundry and furnace rooms and a lavatory.
No. 8084 - A beautiful three bedroom ranch house with many outstanding features. The living room has an exceptionally large glassed area permitting an excellent view of outside surroundings. The U- shaped kitchen is efficiently arranged and is separated from the nook by a modern breakfast bar. The screened porch shown may be entered from the dining room or garage.