No. 6975 - This is one of the most beautiful of our ranch type designs, requiring a wide frontage. The first floor plan shows six very lovely rooms, a complete bath, with tub and shower, a lavatory, six closets, a large terrace in the rear and a double garage. The second floor plan shows two large bed rooms, a complete bath and six closets. The large living room and one bed room, two risers down from the main floor line, and having a large bay window and Dutch door out to the terrace in the rear, make this design ideal for a beautiful rear view. The stairs going down from the kitchen lead to a full basement with a large recreation room, heating and laundry rooms. The foundation is stone and the house is frame with stone veneer across the front, and sided exterior for the balance of the house. The roof may be either wood or composition shingles.
No. 5007 - An excellent home for a large family. Combining many distinctive and different features, this plan provides for efficient as well as gracious living. The open stairway adds to the beauty of the modern living room and all rooms are easily accessible from the entrance hall. Stone veneer is used on the front elevation, and siding on the balance of the house.
No. 5198 - Charm and individuality are evident in this carefully planned home. Brick veneer has been used on the front to add beauty and dignity and siding is shown for the other exterior walls. The plan although showing three bedrooms, has a frontage of only 37 ft. making it suitable for a small lot.
No. 8076 - A compact arrangement for a beautiful three bedroom ranch house. Horizontal and vertical siding painted in contrasting colors and the brick trim across the bedroom and bath make an interesting exterior.
No. 6355 - Glass as a structural material to bring the warmth of light without sacrifice of exterior wall space for furniture arrangement is used abundantly in this luxurious ranch-type house. Designed for gracious living and easy entertaining, it brings the recreation room out of the basement and makes it a center of interest by combining it with a large dining room at the secluded rear. Built-ins are used throughout to provide on-spot storage and to give added utility to wall areas. Construction is of brick veneer over frame, except in the garage where tile is used for backing. There is a laundry, heating room, and lavatory with shower in the basement which extends only under the mid-section of the house.
No. 5620 - This story and a half home is ideal for a large family. The plan features four bedrooms with numerous closets. The dining room is located out of the way of unnecessary traffic. The bath is conveniently located for easy entrance from kitchen. The bath on second floor has both a tub and a showerstall.