AS AN EXAMPLE of the advantages gained in properly placing houses on their sites, these two fine homes, one of which was built for the parents and the other for the younger generation of a family, are unusual. The placement gives better light, air and vistas to each house than might be possible on even wider individual lots if such consideration was not shown. Similar good practice can profitably be applied in larger developments.
The two houses are as well related in design as in placement. The modified French Norman styling is particularly well handled. Exteriors are of painted common brick with Ludowici provincial Wood case-tile roofs. ments are used through-out. Equipment includes Sunbeam gas-fired winter conditioning system, Crane plumbing fixtures and Barber-Coleman upward acting garage door hardware; the garage doors which face the street have a decorative window and blind treatment. Rubber tile floors are used in the kitchens and baths, Zenitherm floors in the entries.
HOUSE NO. 1 has a screened in living porch which can later be converted into garage space for another car. The wall-enclosed paved terrace with doors leading off the living room gives another out- side living area. House No. 2, above at left, also has a living porch which overlooks the wide front yards of both homes and has a large rear porch.